
Past presentations and published writing

Talk - Policy & Advocacy Panel: Current LatinX Affairs in Pennsylvania

Latinx Connect: Elevating Latinx Identities & Contemporary Issues Conference: According to the 2020 U.S. Census, there are more than one million people of Hispanic/Latinx/Latin@ or Latine origin in Pennsylvania. In the midst of celebrating Hispanic Heratige Month, we need to reflect upon pressing issues that we face as a community, diversity, education, health, and inclusion.

October 2021

Publication - Periods don’t stop for pandemics: An increase in period poverty and inequality in COVID-19

Stigmatization of menstrual cycles conceals period poverty on a global scale. Period or menstrual poverty is defined as when those who experience monthly cycles do not have their adequate menstrual hygiene management (MHM) needs met. These needs include access to sanitary products, washing facilities, waste management, pain killers, and information about menstruation.1 The COVID-19 pandemic is demonstrating the importance of this understudied dimension of poverty and inequality. Each day during this pandemic, an estimated 800 million women and girls are menstruating worldwide. In the United States, those who experience menstruation are facing greater challenges than usual in accessing period products and care, especially with state-wide lockdowns and the resulting economic downturn.

April 2021

Talk - The Dark Side of Superfoods: Negative Externalities in Luxury Commodity and Consumption

Caelan speaks on how the rising popularity of products marketed as “superfoods” is leading to questioning of how sustainable these “trendy” foods and products truly are. Consumers of superfoods from rich northern countries are unknowingly contributing to unsustainable agriculture exploitation of indigenous farmers and land, and forced labor practices.

February 2021
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink